Here's Matt Yglesias with a piece at the Center for American Progress about the current conservative attempt to blame the media for Bush's failures in Iraq. I stared into my crystal ball and spotted this trend a couple weeks ago. Yglesias provides examples.
Responding to Yglesias charge, or rather not responding to the charge itself but taking issue with the historical comparison, National Review's Jonah Goldberg says that Yglesias' reference to Weimar Germany obviously casts conservatives in the role of Nazis, and is therefore out of line. Maybe, maybe not, says I. I used the same phrase in my earlier post, but my immediate reference was not to Weimar Germany, but to Vietnam, and the belief of many supporters of that war that the U.S. was "stabbed in the back" by stoopid hippy protesters aided by an anti-American media.
Also, Goldberg's little hissy fit might be a bit easier to take if professional ex-Leftist David Horowitz hadn't made precisely this charge, using precisely that phrase, a few months ago in a column about Iraq.
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