Thursday, May 13, 2004

Here's National Review's John Derbyshire, performing his function as the despicable old bigot who is kept around to make the rest of the National Review staff seem almost rational by comparison:

"The Abu Ghraib "scandal": Good. Kick one for me. But bad discipline in the military (taking the pictures, I mean). Let's have a couple of courts martial for appearance's sake. Maximum sentence: 30 days CB."

Very classy. And this:

The US press blowing up the Abu Ghraib business: Fury at these lefty jounalists doing down America. They just want to re-live the glory days of Vietnam, when they brought down a president they hated. (PS: They hated him because he was an anticommunist, while they themselves tought communism was just fine.)

Yes, I can see the right-wing meme forming even now. It is two-part: 1) The media overhyped the Abu Ghraib atrocities, lost us our credibility, and "stabbed us in the back" again, just like Vietnam. 2) Things in Iraq were going more or less okay until those Abu Ghraib photos showed up, after which point we couldn't recover. And it's the media's fault.

This will be placed upon the shelf next to other dearly held conservative myths, such as "Reagan won the Cold War," and "the Liberal Media."


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